I am outtown, do you know that?
so where am i going?
do you want to guess where i am? or just ask me when i go back?

okay, i tell you^^!!
listen to me, Haha, in San Diego.

so that's why i can't type in chinese.

i got here with ming and my teachers from April 11 to 18 and participated AACR Annual meeting 2008.

The weather here is nice, but cooler in morning and night, always sun-shinny and feel very warm. I can see the beautiful clear blue sky. It's less to rain here. The cool wind makes me feel nice.

So i think San diego is a great place to travel, specially go to balboa park and the museums. We went to balboa park yesterday. it's amazing!! I have not seen the rose so huge and pretty before. I took a lot pictures for them, haha...and there are many plants and great scenes.
For a pity, we didn't have more time to visit any museum. By the way, the ticket of museums are very expensive for me, about $65(USD), if i remember right.

It's so many thing i can say.
Now here it's 10:50PM Apirl 17, but in taiwan it's 13:52PM Apirl 18.
it's fun that i call back to my family when i am wake up, when they will go sleep early.

Anyway,i will go back tomorrow.

And I will put a lot pictures here. haha^^~
Tell the truth, today's morning i dream a lot people who i met and who are my freinds. I really miss you guys. And i miss the soup of taiwanese.

okay, that's all.
Talk to you next time^^!!

Bye, and good night.

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